There is no doubt that 2020 has been a challenging year for us all. December has come around once again and the daunting prospect of facing another Christmas in addiction is unsettling. You know you need help but there’s a slight doubt in your mind. Do you get the help you need now? Or do you wait until after Christmas or early in the New Year?

For many individuals and their families, Christmas and New Year is a difficult and painful time. If this is the case for you, please don’t suffer in silence. Parkland Place is here for you if you want to do things differently this year.

There are a number of reasons why some people end up drinking too much at Christmas, including the financial strain caused by overspending, the pressure to be upbeat and act as the ‘perfect host’, spending extended periods with relatives, and the need for confidence in social situations and the often common misconception that everyone else is drinking just as much.

The atmosphere and excitement surrounding Christmas reinforces the feelings of low self-esteem and low self-worth which can manifest in individuals. This may make it even harder to fight an addiction during the festive period. Individuals who have not acknowledged that they need help may come to accept their addiction issues after struggling through the festive season.

It can become very difficult for people to deal with the anxiety caused by the financial and consumer pressures of the festive season. Difficult family and relationship situations can be exacerbated at this time of year. For someone suffering with an addiction, this is intensified by trying to avoid temptation at a time when the rest of the population appears to be celebrating.

Admitting to a having a problem and consequently seeking treatment can be the first step towards being able to enjoy Christmas and the new year in the future.

Please do not wait for a ‘better’ time to start your recovery. This is a common misconception – that recovery can wait for a more convenient or quieter time.


Being in Parkland Place during Christmas.

Christmas in rehab is a life-affirming choice. Taking a fresh approach this December can bring relief and hope to everyone involved.

Your recovery is our top priority. If you’re undergoing a medically assisted detox, your care and support continue. Your therapeutic rehabilitation goes on in December and January too, as it does every month of the year.

For everyone who chooses to celebrate Christmas with us, we also like to observe some of the traditions and have some fun. Parkland Place go the extra mile to create a welcoming environment, where our guests feel comfortable during their stay. If you are considering Christmas in rehab this year, please let us know if there’s anything more we can do to make you feel at home.

The programme will be running as normal during Christmas week and your tailored one to one sessions will support you and your needs.  We will run a host of Christmas activities during the week including Christmas crafts, an interactive pantomime, films and games.

It will be a relaxed environment, with opportunity to attend group sessions and learn about their addiction. They will be safe, cared for and have the company of their peers, who are experiencing the same issues.

For anyone who chooses not to celebrate Christmas or belongs to a different faith group, your wishes and needs will be fully respected.

Speak to a member of our admissions team today about addiction treatment including detox and rehab, please call or send us a message today.


Already in recovery?

There are things that people in recovery can do to help ensure they remain sober over the Christmas period. Here are some handy tips for guests past and present.


Christmas at Parkland Place
Article Name
Christmas at Parkland Place
For many individuals and their families, Christmas and New Year is a difficult and painful time. If this is the case for you, please don’t suffer in silence. Parkland Place is here for you if you want to do things differently this year.
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Parkland Place